In order to help you go better & stay longer,
all Resound members participate in our ongoing care-plan, including:
With a global network in 46 countries – Resound is 100% focused on our people. Whether it’s for professional networking or crisis support, come join a family of workers that desire to walk this journey together.

What if it could be better?
A Quick Story

First, free solo climbing. Among these brave souls ropes are not only optional, they’re left in the car. Any and all safety gear is seen as cumbersome, and they pursue the thrill of freedom in their climbs. But that freedom comes at an enormous risk. Everyone in this sport admits that a fall can be fatal. Perhaps the most famous free solo run is when Alex Honnold climbed El Capitan.

Second, we’ll call this a “tight belay.” The opposite of free soloing, you’re geared up and ready to go, with your belay person at the other end of your rope. However, as you climb, your rope is pulled so tight that you’re almost pulled up the climb, unable to move around on your own. Nobody likes this kind of climbing.

Third, is an “appropriate belay.” This is the Goldilocks point where you work together with your belayer, maintaining enough slack in your rope to make those long stretches and yet the rope is short enough to catch you when you miss. You’re a team. The top is the goal, and you’ll get there safely, together.

Life overseas can be a bit like that.
Many people just go free solo – and it can be great! But a fall can be fatal. Others pursue a structure that ends up being so tight it’s stifling. There’s got to be a better way. Here at Resound we strive to provide the “appropriate belay” — walking the journey together, as a team, so that everyone gets to the summit safely, together.
Join us.